Legal Notices


Owner: IGP S.p.A.

address: Viale Regina Margherita, 42 00198 ROME


registration details: Municipality of Rome Reg. n° 35313 of24/07/2008, Tax Code n° 12710340154 • VAT n° 03643630282, Reg'd Office Viale Regina Margherita 42 - 00198 Rome •Capital €40,000,000 fully paid up • Rome Chamber of Commerce, Economic & Administrative Index (REA) 1083471

IGP S.p.A. is a company subject to the management and coordination of IGPDecaux S.p.A.

The aim of the website is, on the one hand, to inform users of our activity and illustrate the service offered, and on the other, to provide services to customers on an ad hoc basis. IGP, in agreement with the Municipality of Verona, reserves the right to make changes to the content, structure and presentation of the site, at any time and without prior notice.

In accessing the site, the user expresses acceptance that IGP and the Municipality of Verona cannot be held liable for any damage that might derive from such access, or from the utilization of information available on the selfsame website, including access to other content made possible by way of links embedded in the pages of the site.

The copyright on material contained in this site is owned by IGP S.p.A., and mere access to the website does not authorize the reproduction and/or distribution of its content: actions for which permission must first be obtained in writing.

The existence of references within the content of the Verona Bike website relating to any third party product, service, hypertext link mechanism or to any other declaration delivered through a trademark, business name or identification of a third party producer or supplier, etc., implies no authorization whatever from IGP S.p.A., or from the Municipality of Verona, to make use of and/or broadcast such references.


In submitting personal data, users provide the owner of the site with express authorization to utilize such data for the purposes indicated on the site.

As concerning rights of access, erasure, rectification and objection assured under current legislation on the protection of personal data: users can exercise their right to access, rectify, erase and object to the processing of data by sending a written request, referencing “Personal Data Protection rights” to:

Name: IGP S.p.A.

Address: Viale Regina Margherita 42 - 00198 Rome